|  Study Guide for the April 2025 QME Exam  |

QME Competency Exam Test Preparation

Your first step towards becoming a QME for California's DWC (Division of Workers' Compensation)


Pass the April 2025 QME Competency Exam with our Digital Flashcards - Guaranteed!

Welcome to our QME Competency Exam test preparation website, where we specialize in helping physicians successfully pass the California Division of Workers' Compensation's QME examination. As a physician, you know that the opportunity cost for failing the examination is high. Not only do you have to wait at least 6 months to retake the exam, which is only offered twice per year, but in that time frame, you could have been doing QME evaluations on applicants that would have made you thousands of dollars. That's why we have created a highly effective study guide to pass the test that has been successfully utilized by hundreds of doctors over the past 10 examination cycles. During a previous test, the October 2023 examination, 100% of our users passed! Our digital flashcards are designed to be the most efficient study tool available, requiring as little as 1 day of study to effectively prepare for the examination. With our help, you can pass the QME competency examination and start earning the money you deserve. Confidently take your first step towards becoming a Qualified Medical Evaluator (Q.M.E.) for the State of California!



Guaranteed Pass

There is a high opportunity cost to failing the exam, as you will have to wait at least 6 months to retake the test and potentially lose thousands of dollars in QME evaluations during that time. Our flashcards offer a way to pass the test on the first try and avoid this lost income.


Our flashcards offer a highly efficient way to study for the QME competency examination, allowing you to pass the test in as little as 1 day of study.

Digital Study

Our digital flashcards offer the convenience of studying on-the-go and at your own pace, allowing you to fit studying into your busy schedule.


“Repetition is the branding iron of knowledge.”

– Lawrence A. Hansen, MD

U.C. San Diego School of Medicine, Professor of Pathology